CURRICULUM VITAE (Photography, show listing)
a life of words, pictures, and entertaining
Since 2011, Ingrid has written two multi-award-winning business books, and participated in more than 70 juried photography shows, picking up a few ribbons (and some cash prizes) along the way. Her photos have been in exhibits in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Oregon, California, England, and Italy. “Hola Baja” (2016) was her first solo photography show, followed by “In the Hood” (2018). She recently published her first photo storybook “In the Hood: focus on the details” which documents the initial six months of her move back to Sacramento after a 15-year absence.
P.O. BOX 13207 Sacramento, California, USA
(916) 719-1776 (photography) (travel blog) (author events) (corporate, social, nonprofit events)
California State University, Sacramento: Master’s Degree, Fine Art, focuses 2-D, chalk and oil pastels
Bachelor of Arts Degree, Fine Art, focus 3-D, soft sculpture
Bachelor of Arts Degree, English, focus writing
- 2020 Month of May Pandemic Photo Shoot – weekly safe distance photoshoots by three female photographers of small towns located within 45 minutes of California’s State Capital, Sacramento
- 2015 Hill Country, Texas (‘Shootapalooza,’ one-week intensive photoshoot and workshops with an ad-hoc group of photographers from across the U.S.)
- 2014 Baja, Mexico (Diane Tempest, street photographer, Sacramento, California)
- 2013 Napa, California (Joe Baraban, commercial photographer, Houston, Texas)
- 2011 Santa Reparata International School of Art, Florence, Italy (Barbra Riley, Professor of Art, Photography and Book Art, Texas A & M University, Corpus Christi, Texas)
- 2016 – current: “Let Pictures Drive the Words”; “Start Organizing Your Book Today”; “Write Engaging Blog Posts”; “Winning Book Awards”; “Create a Gift Book for the Holidays”: “Writing Your Memoir: Slice of Life Stories” (year-round series of workshops through Sierra College Community Education)
- 2019 “Write Blogs that Entice and Inspire” Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA (two workshops)
- Sierra College Community Education, Rocklin, CA, (one day workshop in the spring and fall)
- Port Townsend School for the Arts, Washington State (two-day workshop)
- 2017 University of Pacific, Stockton, CA, Conference on Creative Writing,“Writing with Gusto in the Odd-Numbered Year”
- 2017 City of Sacramento Library System, three workshop series on creative writing.
- 2016 University of Pacific, Stockton, CA, Conference on Creative Writing,“Start Organizing Your Book: How to Move Your Project Ahead When You’re Not Inspired to Write” and “Bring Your Story to Life: How to Let Pictures Drive the Words”
- 2016 University of Pacific, Stockton, CA, Conference on Creative Writing,“Start Organizing Your Book: How to Move Your Project Ahead When You’re Not Inspired to Write” and “Bring Your Story to Life: How to Let Pictures Drive the Words”
- 2015 Johnson City Library, Johnson City, TX, “Explore the World of Words and Pictures”
- 2012 “Experts on Self Publishing: Four Speakers” Kauai, Hawaii
- 2011 Texas A & M, Graduate Studies, “Integrating Art and Photography into Events” presented with Amanda Smith, photographer, A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas
- 2010 Texas A & M, Graduate Studies, “Integrating Art into Events”
PHOTO and travel-related BOOKS:
Five Weeks in Florence – novel/literary travel/photo, print, audio, and eBook (2024)
Touching Venus – collection of enticing short stories (2024)
Color Me Italy – coloring book (2024)
In the Hood: focus on the details (photo/short story book 2016) Photo documentary with stories about a neighborhood in Sacramento.
AFFILIATIONS (past and present):
- Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, California
- Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, Colorado
- Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California
- Shootapalooza, Texas
- Texas Photographic Society, San Antonio, Texas
- Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California
- Verge Center for the Arts, Sacramento, California
- 1st Place Photography, “Future Unknown,” Placer Artists League, ‘Open,’ Auburn, California 2015. Juror Waif Mullins, artist/ teacher, Chico, California
- 3rd Place Photography, “Rhino Butt as Still Life,” Lodi Art Festival, Lodi, California 2014, Jurors D. Neath, owner Archival Gallery, Sacramento, California; Ruth Santee, Oakland, California; Eric Dahlin, ceramicist, Sacramento, California
- Award of Merit, “The Apprentice,” California State Fair, ‘Fine Art Exhibit,’ Sacramento, California 2017; Jurors Douglas Dertinger, Associate Professor of Photography, Sacramento State University
- Honorable Mention, “Bienvenidos,” Viewpoint Gallery, ‘Member Show,’ Sacramento, California 2015; Juror Patty Felkner, photographer/professor Sacramento City College, Sacramento, California
- Honorable Mention, “Bread and Boar,” A Smith Gallery, ‘Dinner,’ Johnson City, Texas 2012; Juror Barbra Riley, photographer/professor Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi
2022 ‘Enlighten’, Shootapalooza Exhibition, “Madonnas and the Cowboys”, The Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston, Massachusetts
2021 ‘About Books,’ four person show 2021, Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson, New York
2020 ‘Diversity: Alternative Paths in Contemporary Photography,’ a Shootapalooza Exhibition Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas, “On-going Conversation”
2018 ‘The Odd & The Ordinary,’ solo show, Panama Pottery, Photography Month Sacramento
2016 ‘Hola Baja,’ solo show, Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California
- Churchill, a drinking life (documentary photos) Harlequin 2022, author Jennifer Basye Sander
- Half page interior color, Land Park News, April 2018, “In the Hood at Panama Pottery” story/images
- Half front page (black/white), Linden Herald newspaper, May 3, 2018, “FFA Winners” story/images
- Half front page (black/white), Linden Herald newspaper, March 15, 2018, “Junior Chef” story/images
- Full inside page (black/white), Linden Herald newspaper, Feb. 22, 2018, “Giant Statues” story/images
- Full front page (black/white), Linden Herald newspaper, Dec. 28, 2017, “Linden Harvest”story/images
- Full interior page (color), Inside, multiple neighborhood issues, Nov., 2017, “Dia de los Muertos”
Street Shooter of the Month, April 2019, Street Photography Magazine, “Bienvenidos,” Baja, Mexico
- ‘Books & Readers’, Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson, New York. “Florence Bookstore,” “Art Laying Down,” “Any Religion is Better Than No Religion,” “Marcel Duchamp by Lamplight”
- ‘Sport’, Auburn Art Gallery, Los Angeles, California. Juror: Matt Harding, photographer, gallery owner. “Air Time”
- ‘Shades of Gray,’ Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR. Juror: Todd Johnson, photographer, gallery owner. “The City at Dusk”
- ‘Viewpoint Photographic Art Center Annual Member Show, Sacramento, California. “Aftermath of a Storm”
- Invitational Auction, ‘Big Name, Small Art,’ Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California “Abandoned”
- ‘Viewpoint 30 Year Legacy, Invitational”, Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California. “Davids Under Wraps”
- ‘Favorite Photo Exhibition,’ LensScratch online invitational. “Absent Sentinel”
- ‘Twelve/Hindsight 20/20,’ Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento California. Juror: Sharmon Goffis, Professor emerita at California State University, Sacramento, chair of the Department of Design and Photography Program. “Bar Open at Myrtle Manor”
- World Cyanotype Day, A. Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas. “Meteor Shower”
- ‘Viewpoint Member Show,’ Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California “Future Unknown,” children watching a wedding in Washington State.
- Invitational Auction, ‘Big Name, Small Art,’ Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California “Weeding the Palms at the deYoung Museum”
- ‘TWELVE: Visual & Verbal,’ Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California “Tanning Butter” Juror: Judith Monroe, mixed media artist
- ‘Shootapalooza Small Art Exhibition 2019,’ A. Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas “Buddha in the Bookstore”
- ‘River of Grandmothers Project,’ Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts; traveling show “My paternal grandmother was afraid to cross the ocean.” Created by Vicki Reed, fine art photographer and fiber artist, Cedarburg, Wisconsin A 20’ long cyanotype embedded with memories of 300 grandmothers
- ‘Viewpoint Member Show,’ Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California “Deflated,” Statue of Liberty balloon staging – Rancho Cucamonga Founder’s Day Parade
- Invitational Auction, ‘Big Name, Small Art,’ Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California “Dance All Night”
- ‘Peace Be Still’, St. John’s Art Festival of Religious and Spiritual Art, Sacramento, CA. “In My Father’s House There are Many Rooms”. Juror: Scott Shields, Assoc. Dir./Chief Curator, Crocker Art Museum
- ‘Diversity: Alternative Paths in Contemporary Photography,’ Wichita Falls Museum of Art, Wichita Falls, Midwestern State University, Texas; “On-going Conversation”. Juror: Vicki Richardson Reed, fine arts photographer, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
- ‘TWELVE: Work of Art,’ Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California“The Sleeping Dog Dreams in Color”, Juror: Richard Murai is the Assistant Director of the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel
- ‘In the Groove: An International Exhibition of Original Album Cover Artwork,’ Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, Brooklyn, New York. “Rica Soli – Three’s a Crowd”; “Skeleton Crew – Dance All Night”; “Freeway Bandits – Sunday Morning”. Jurors: Sal Cataldi, musician, Spaghetti Eastern Music, and Wendi Gueorguiev, painter/textile designer
- ‘Architectura Obscura,’ American Institute of Architects, Central Valley Chapter, “Opus One” Juror Kristopher Barkley, AIA
- ‘Viewpoint Member Show,’ “Station 12 (from the book In The Hood: focus on the details)
- ‘Built Environment,’ Rincon Consultants, Sacramento, CA office. “Bandaloop Repels from the CSUS Library” and “Abandoned (from Hola Baja)”; Juror: Dr. April Durham, Arts +Culture Project Manager
- Invitational Auction, ‘Big Name, Small Art,’ Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California. “Any Religion is Better than No Religion”
- ‘Photography Month Sacramento, Photo Fete,’ Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA. Five images from the portfolio Hola Baja: “Bienvenidos,” Baja Still Like,” Air Time,” “Practice,” Siblings After Lunch.” Juror: Maria Segoviano, PR & Communications, Crocker Art Museum
- ‘World Cyanotype Day,’ on-line exhibit, “Celebration”
- ‘Response,’ A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas “Deflated”. Jurors Amanda Smith and Kevin Tully, photographers and co-directors, A Smith Gallery
- ‘Pop-Up’ Show, Center for Photographic Art, Fort Collins, Colorado. “Land Yacht for Sale,” and “Clean-Up at Hix Ranch, Wimberley, Texas”
- ‘Aviary,’ Boston, MA. Griffin Museum of Photography, “Community,” Juror Paula Tognarelli, Exec. Dir. and Curator, Griffin Museum of Photography
- ‘Personal Vision’, Gilbert, AZ. Shootapalooza wheat-paste mural, “Passing Time,” Juror Mariana Bartolomeo, Thunderhead Press and Judy Sherrod, Director, Shootapalooza
- ‘Nature’, Tilt Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ, Shootapalooza metal mosaic, “Pursuit,” Juror Mariana Bartolomeo, Thunderhead Press
- ‘12’ Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, CA, “Air Time,” Juror Chris Fraser
- Invitational ‘Small Art,’ eStreet Gallery, Sacramento, California, “The Embellished Capitol” (two holiday views of the west steps)
- ‘Architectura Obscura,’ American Institute of Architects, Central Valley Chapter, “Mesh,” “Spring,” “Bandaloop,” “Capitol Refection,” “Capitol Star,”Juror Kristopher Barkley, AIA
- ‘Narrative: People, Places and Things,’ Back Box Gallery, Portland, OR, “The Butcher’s Lover,” Juror Christy Karpinski, editor F-Stop Magazine
- ‘Silver Anniversary Members’ Exhibit,’ Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, CA, “The Apprentice”
- ‘Membership Medley,’ Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, CA “Pet Guardian”
- ‘Wheatpaste Installation, Iconography II’ A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas, “Cocktail Time at Myrtle Manor,” Jurors Amanda Smith and Kevin Tully, A Smith Gallery
- ‘Wheatpaste Cadillac Ranch,’ Amarillo, Texas. (10) 6”x6” black and white prints from the series fender Grid of Color, and “Frida Child” and “Nine Legs.” Wheat-paste installation (onto the Cadillacs) by Shootapalooza on June 22, summer solstice 2016.
- Invitational Auction, ‘Big Name, Small Art,’ Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California, “Dashboard Memories”
- ‘Light & Shadow,’ 1650 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, “The Sleeping Dog Dreams in Color,Juror Andrew Overtoom, filmmaker, photographer, publisher, owner/curator Gallery1650
- ‘Taking Pictures: 2016’, Black Box, Portland, OR, “Overseas Memory,” Juror, Todd Johnson, photographer, founder and director of Black Box Gallery
- ‘Blue Line Art Auction,’ Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, CA “Red Bobbers,” Juror Elliot Fouts, owner Elliot Fouts Gallery, Sacramento, CA
- ‘A Hope, Prayer, and a Dream,’ PhotoFest, Houston, TX. “Pasting Ladder“ selected for wheat-paste installation. Jurors Marti Corn and Laura Burlton, PhotoFest Houston, photographers and installation organizers
- Invitational ‘Small Art,’ eStreet Gallery, Sacramento, California, From Album Covers for Songs Not Yet Written b/w “Dashboard Memories,” “Fresh Catch on the Doorstep” and “Land Yacht for Sale.”
- ‘Freeze Frame’, Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, California, “Bienvenidos,” Juror, Bruce Temuchin Brown, commercial photographer, San Francisco, CA
- ‘30×30’ (30 pieces in 30 days) Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, California “Fender Grid of Color,” Jurors Tony Natsoulas, artist/exhibitions consultant; Katie Curler, Education Manager
- ‘Vision,” Sacramento Fine Arts Center, Sacramento, California, “Incognitos,” and “Bienvenidos,” Jurors: No. CA photographers Susan Lord Bovey and Dean Taylor
- ‘Splash,’ Gallery 1650, Los Angeles, CA “Dino,” Juror Andrew Overtoom, filmmaker, photographer, publisher, owner/curator Gallery1650
- ‘The Left Coast – What Does it Mean to You?’ Marin Society of Artists, Ross, California, “Weeding the Palms,” Juror Lauren R. O’Connell, contemporary art curator and writer, San Francisco, California
- ‘Going Places,’ PhotoPlace Online Gallery Annex, Middlebury, Vermont, “Amy in Austin,” “Bienvenidos,” and “Future Unknown,” Juror Carlan Tapp, commercial/fine art photographer and instructor, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- ‘Viewpoint: Landscape & Architecture,’ Black Box Gallery, Portland, Oregon, Black Box On-line Annex Gallery, “Weeding the Palms,” Juror Todd Johnson, photographer, founder and director of Black Box Gallery
- ‘Membership Medley,’ Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, California “Future Unknown,” Jurors Tony Natsoulas, artist/exhibitions consultant; Katie Curler, Education Manager
- ‘Member Show,’ Viewpoint Gallery, Sacramento, California, *Honorable Mention “Bienvenidos,” Juror Patty Felkner, instructor, Cosumnes River College, Sacramento, California
- ‘Wheatpaste Installation, Iconogaphy’ A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas, “Morning Ritual,” Jurors Amanda Smith and Kevin Tully, A Smith Gallery; Judy Sherrod, Shootapalooza
- ‘Rust to Riches,’ General Gomez Art Center, Auburn, California, “The Other Woman,” Jurors David Burns and Carolyn Basque, owners, General Gomez
- *1st Place Photography, “Future Unknown,” ‘Open,’ Placer Artists League, Auburn, California, Juror Waif Mullins, artist/ teacher, Chico, California
- ‘Color,’ Black Box Gallery, Portland, Oregon, “Bienvenidos,” Juror Christy Karpinski, founder/editor F-Stop Magazine, Chicago, Illinois
- Invitational Auction, ‘Big Name, Small Art,’ Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California, “Tension” from the series Album Covers for Songs Not Yet Written.
- ‘H2O,’ A Smith Gallery/East Main Grill, Johnson City, Texas, “Bienvenidos” and “Sea-Saw,” Juror S. Gayle Stevens, photographer, Downers Grove, Illinois
- ‘Shadow and Light,’ Black Box Gallery, Portland, Oregon, “Palms Casting on the DeYoung,” Juror Todd Johnson, photographer, founder and director of Black Box Gallery
- ‘Marvelous Things: Still Life’s,’ PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont, “Sidewalk Still Life with Apricots,” Juror Aline Smithson, New York fashion photographer, founding member of Six Shooters, creator and editor of LensScratch blogzine
- Invitational ‘Small Art,’ eStreet Gallery, Sacramento, California
- Invitational, ‘Friends,’ eStreet Gallery, Sacramento, California
- Invitational, ‘Animals,’ Temporary Contemporary, Sacramento, California
- Invitational, ‘Alumni Show,’ Robert Else Gallery, CSUS, Sacramento
- *3rd Place Photography, “Rhino Butt as Still Life,” Lodi Art Festival, Lodi, California 2014, Jurors D. Neath, owner Archival Gallery, Sacramento, California; Ruth Santee, Oakland, California; Eric Dahlin, ceramicist, Sacramento, California
- Invitational Auction, ‘Big Name, Small Art,’ Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California, curator, Kathleen Babbin, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California
- ‘Membership Medley,’ Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, California “Rhino Butt as Still Life,” Jurors Tony Natsoulas, artist/exhibitions consultant
- ‘Celebrate,’ A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas “Cheers to Castello di Verrazano,” Juror Harvey Stein, professor International Center for Photography, New York
- ‘July,’ A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas “Boating at Folsom Lake,” Juror Christy Karpinski, photographer, founder/editor F-Stop Magazine, Chicago, Illinois
- Invitational, ‘6×6,’ Temporary Contemporary, Sacramento, California
- ‘Membership Medley,’ Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, California “Four Legs Walking,” Jurors Tony Natsoulas, artist/exhibitions consultant; Katie Curler, Education Manager
- ‘Your Greatest Hits,’ PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont “Weeding the Palms,” Juror Neil Harris, associate photo editor Time Magazine, Beacon, New York
- ‘Photography by Design,’ Darkroom Gallery, Essex Junction, Vermont “Weeding the Palms,” Juror Joe Baraban, photographer, Houston, Texas
- ‘Red,’ Darkroom Gallery, Essex Junction, Vermont “Red Donuts” (aka Donut Floats/Red Bobbers), Jurors Brooks Jenson, publisher/editor LensWork, Anacortes, Washington; Maureen Gallagher, photographer, wife of Brooks Jenson, Anacortes, Washington
- ‘Dinner’, A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas, *Honorable Mention, “Bread and Boar,” Juror Barbra Riley, photographer/professor Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi,
- London Street Photography Film Festival, London, England
- Invitational, ‘6×6,’ Temporary Contemporary, Sacramento, California
- ‘Some of My Best,’ Finger Lakes Gallery &Frame, Canandaigua, New York “Donuts Floats”
- Mail-in Post Cards, Milk Gallery, Sacramento, California
- ‘Shine,’ Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, California, “Fresh Catch on the Doorstep”
- Invitational, ‘The Art of the Bicycle,’ Milk Gallery, Sacramento, California, ‘Snowflake,’ Rocklin Arts Center, Rocklin, California
- ‘Minimal,’ Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, California, “Donut Floats”
- ‘Membership Medley,’ Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, California “Sidewalk Still Life with Apricots,” Jurors Tony Natsoulas, artist/exhibitions consultant; Katie Curler, Education Manager
- ‘Parallel,’ Viewpoint Gallery, Sacramento, California “Weeding the Palms”
- ‘Open,’ Gallery 808, PlacerArts, Auburn, California, “Bread and Boar”
- ‘Num6ers,’ A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas “David’s Under Wraps,” Jurors Carol Watson, photographer, Blanco, Texas; Amanda Smith, photographer
Group student show, Santa Reparata International School of Art, Florence, Italy
1980 – 2011 Hiatus from 2-D art; professional career in event production, design and installation. Nonfiction author.
1970 – 1980 Solo and group shows, Greater Sacramento area (paintings, chalk and oil pastels)
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